Calls for Artists & Art Fair Advertising
we can help your art fair, Gallery, Festival, or competition attract more artist applications and shoppers, too!
Calls for Artists is part of the Art Fair Calendar family of websites. Since 2004 we’ve been helping support fine artists, art fairs, and art festivals.
Starting at just $99, our low cost services help attract more artist applications for art fairs, art galleries, exhibitions, festivals, and art competitions nationwide.
Art events looking for more artist exhibitors easily make up the cost of our “Call for Artists” services in revenue from new artist applications. Plus, we can help promote your art events to attendees, too!
Artists: Our email newsletters are sent to two different lists of working, exhibiting fine artists. One is 20,000 artists nationwide, and the other is 9,000 artists nationwide. Both lists are comprised of professional fine artists, and many artists new to the art business, too.
Attendees: Our email lists reach 50,000+ active art event visitors, patrons, and collectors.
Hundreds of new artists and shoppers subscribe every month!
OUR WEBSITES Serving artists looking for shows, festivals, galleries, and competitions to apply to, the site features the top fine art events across the USA, sorted by event date. Includes the location, application dates, show dates, fees, and show application link details that artists seek before applying as exhibitors. The most popular art fair website in America, ranked #1 for “art fair" searches by Google since 2006. Listings organized by geographic region and event month attract art shoppers nationwide. 17,000+ member forum where exhibiting artists discuss the art fair business. Free show reviews posted by artists.
Our Advertising Services
An artist application listing on and a promotional attendee listing on
Plus a bonus email blast sent to art event attendees (but not artists). All only $99!
Two shared promotional emails to 20,000+ artists
Listings on 3 websites
Posts on Facebook
+ Bonus email to your region’s attendees list
$355 for non-profit shows and $410 for for-profit shows.
Option C: ATTENDEE Promotions
Already have enough artist exhibitors?
Attract more art buyers and collectors to come shopping at your event by marketing to’s huge but targeted regional audiences of art patrons.
Your show gets 2 targeted email blasts, Facebook social media promotions, plus listing on Google’s #1 website for “art fair” searches at, too.
Attendee marketing packages range from $325 - $1200.
Option D: Button & Banner Ads
Button and banner ads are available in our email newsletters and across our 4 websites (,,,
Place your choice of ads on any of our websites OR in our email newsletters (50,000+ subscribers).
Button ads (150 x 150) start at $55/month depending on placement
Banner ads (120 x 240 vertical ad; or 500 x 130 horizontal ad) start at $215/month depending on placement
Option E: Custom PROMOTIONS
If you have a promotion that does not fit into one of the previous categories then a "Custom Email Blast" is right for you. We'll send your specific message to tens of thousands of email subscribers.
Prices start at $450 depending on number of emails, audience size, targeting, production complexity, etc.
Advertiser testimonials:
“I am so very impressed! Your customer service is amazing. Thank you for working with me to develop a custom package to reach both artists and patrons.”
Kathleen Hughes / La Quinta Art Celebration
“Advertising with Art Fair Calendar allows us to get in front of art buyers and patrons who may not have known about our festival otherwise. The Calls for Artists are always perfectly tailored to our show, they have a wide pool of artists who seek out opportunities through their publications, and they always work within our budget. It also doesn't hurt that they are so easy to work with!”
Robin Aiken / Artisphere
“I just met my goal for applications for the year and I still have some hours before the deadline. I'm sure that your promotion played a big part in getting there. Thank you!!”
“No one reaches artists like and Their team is straight, direct and trusted. We place our marketing in multiple places and there are more every year that want money for listings. Frankly, the only ones that we are willing to pay for are yours. We know that they get results.”
Mark Loeb / Integrity Events
“We advertise with all the sources and in order to track which is the best producer for us we use custom URLs for all the links. We can see in Google Analytics that your websites and emails always outperform the others by a large percentage.”
Sharon McAllister / ArtFest Ft Myers
Return & Cancellation Policy - 100% Guaranteed Satisfaction
Our team promises that your Calls for Artists advertising package will be worth MORE than its cost. If you are ever not happy with your purchase, you can cancel any time and we will refund your payment. Really!
The Art Fair Calendar Team
Questions or Need Help?
We're happy to help you by email. Contact us at info(at) any time!
We prefer email but if you need to leave a message, you can do so here: (949) 734-0342.